Repeating Invoices API

Description Method URL
Get all repeating invoices GET /api/v1/invoices_repeated
Get one repeating invoice GET /api/v1/invoices_repeated/{id}
Delete repeating invoice DELETE /api/v1/invoices_repeated/{id}

All attributes used for repeating invoices

Attribute Type Note
idread only integer Unique invoice id
nameread only string(20) Unique name for the invoice
referenceread only object Contains reference lines on the invoice. 'line1', 'line2', 'line3'. All are strings.
linesread only array All invoice lines on the invoice
Per line:
'discount_pct' (discount percentage)
'tax_country' (boolean, input only)*
'linetotal' (read only)

if you want to use a foreign tax for this line, set this to true. [Read more >]

To use text lines on an invoice, only supply 'description' and do not use the other fields. Check the example below for more info.
profileread only id The ID of the used profile. Default is default profile.
discounttyperead only string(10) The type of discount. 'amount' or 'percentage'
discountread only float If 'discounttype' is amount, then this is the amount of discount set on the invoice. If 'discounttype' is set to 'percentage', this is the discount percentage set.
paymentconditionread only string The payment condition set on the invoice. Default is the payment condition set in the application.
paymentperiodread only integer Term of payment in days. Default is the payment period set with the client.
datesavedread only date The date the invoice was saved
totalintaxread only float Invoice total including taxes
initialdateread only date The date when the first invoice was sent (or is going to be sent)
nextsenddateread only date The next date when the next invoice is going to be sent.
finalsenddateread only date The date when the last invoice is sent. After this date, this invoice will be deleted.
frequencyread only string The frequency of sending.
repeattyperead only string If this invoice is automatically sent.
clientnrread only integer Client number
contactread only string(50)
companyread only string(50)
addressread only string(50)
zipcoderead only string(7)
cityread only string(50)
emailread only email
countryread only integer or string Country id. You can get a list of country id's with the function *api/v1/countrylist*. When creating or updating a client, you can supply a country id or a country name. We'll then try to find the id of the country you supplied.