Clients API
To manage your clients, you can use the following commands.
Description | Method | URL |
Get all contacts | GET | /api/v1/clients |
Get one contact | GET | /api/v1/clients/{id} |
Create new contact | POST | /api/v1/clients/ |
Update a contact | PUT | /api/v1/clients/{id} |
Delete a contact | DELETE | /api/v1/clients/{id} |
All attributes used for clients
These are the attributes available in the call to the Clients API.
Attribute | Type | Note |
clientnr | integer | The client number |
contact | string(50) | Contact name |
showcontact | boolean | Show the contact name on the invoice |
company | string(50) | |
address | string(50) | |
address_addon | string(50) | Extra address line |
zipcode | string(7) | |
city | string(50) | |
country | integer or string | Country id. You can get a list of country id's with the function api/v1/countrylist. When creating or updating a client, you can supply a country id or a country name. We'll then try to find the id of the country you supplied. |
phone | string(13) | |
mobile | string(13) | |
string(255) | Invoice is sent to this e-mail address, if the sendmethod is e-mail | |
addon | string(255) | Extra information about the client, e.g., a department |
bankcode | string(32) | The IBAN number of the client |
biccode | string(32) | |
taxnumber | string(18) | |
tax_shifted | boolean | If the taxes on the invoice is shifted to the receiver |
lastinvoiceread only | date | When last invoice to this client was sent |
sendmethod | string(11) | How to send the invoice to the receiver. 'mail': print the invoices yourself, we only process it 'email': send invoices through e-mail 'printcenter': send invoice through the printcenter. |
paymentmethod | string(10) | How the invoice is going to be paid. 'bank': normal bank account transfer 'autocollect': the invoice will be collected (incasso) |
top | integer | The term of payment in days. Defines when the invoice has to be paid by the recipient |
stddiscount | integer | Standard discount percentage for this client. Every invoice defined for this client will automatically get this discount percentage. |
mailintro | string(128) | The first line used in the e-mail to address the recipient. Example: "Dear sir/madam," |
reference | object | Three lines that will be printed on the invoice. Can be used for references to other documents or something else. In the object are three fields: 'line1', 'line2' and 'line3'. All fieldstypes are strings. |
notes | string | Notes saved for this client |
notes_on_invoice | boolean | Print the field 'notes' on every invoice for the client |
active | boolean | Non-active clients are hidden in the web application. |
default_doclang | string(2) | In what language the invoice will be generated for this client. empty: default language 'nl': dutch 'en': english 'de': german 'fr': france 'es': spanish 'it': italian |
default_category | integer | The ID of the category. Use the categories api to retrieve a list of categories. |
default_emailread only | integer | ID of used e-mail text |
email_reminder | string(255) | An invoice reminder is sent to this e-mail address |
currency | string(3) | Used currency in invoice. Like 'EUR', 'USD', etc. |
mandate_id | string | The mandate identification |
mandate_date | date | The date of the signature |
collecttype | string(4) | The collection type: 'OOFF ': single direct debit 'FRST': direct debit: first collection 'RCUR': direct debit: recurring collection |
tax_type | string(5) | Will show if the products on the invoice for this client will be handled as excluding or including tax: 'intax ': products will be handled as including tax 'extax': products will be handled as excluding tax |
Create new contact
POST /api/v1/clients/
Create a POST with at least the required attributes.
// setup the API call with the URL and the method
$request = new fsnl_api('', 'POST');
// build the post body we are going to submit
'contact' => 'John Doe',
'showcontact' => true,
'company' => 'Johnny Bravo Inc.',
'address' => 'Sir John Road 100',
'zipcode' => '1337 JB',
'city' => 'Johnsville',
'country' => 146,
'phone' => '010 123 4567',
'mobile' => '0612 34 56 78',
'email' => '',
'bankcode' => 'NL91INGB0001234567',
'biccode' => 'INGBNL2A',
'taxnumber' => 'NL001234567B01',
'tax_shifted' => false,
'sendmethod' => 'email',
'paymentmethod' => 'bank',
'top' => 3,
'stddiscount' => 5.30,
'mailintro' => 'Dear Johnny,',
'reference' => array(
'line1' => 'Your ref: ABC123',
'line2' => 'Our ref: XZX0029/2932/001',
'line3' => 'Thank you for your order'
'notes' => 'This client is always late with his payments',
'notes_on_invoice' => false,
'active' => true,
'default_doclang' => 'en',
'email_reminder' => '',
'currency' => 'USD',
'tax_type' => 'intax'
Or as a JSON:
"contact": "John Doe",
"showcontact": true,
"company": "Johnny Bravo Inc.",
"address": "Sir John Road 100",
"zipcode": "1337 JB",
"city": "Johnsville",
"country": 146,
"phone": "010 123 4567",
"mobile": "0612 34 56 78",
"email": "",
"bankcode": "NL91INGB0001234567",
"biccode": "INGBNL2A",
"taxnumber": "NL001234567B01",
"tax_shifted": false,
"sendmethod": "email",
"paymentmethod": "bank",
"top": 3,
"stddiscount": 5.3,
"mailintro": "Dear Johnny,",
"reference": {
"line1": "Your ref: ABC123",
"line2": "Our ref: XZX0029/2932/001",
"line3": "Thank you for your order"
"notes": "This client is always late with his payments",
"notes_on_invoice": false,
"active": true,
"default_doclang": "en",
"email_reminder": "",
"currency": "USD",
"tax_type": "intax"
Update a contact
PUT /api/v1/clients/{id}
Create a PUT with at least the required attributes and fields you want to update. See the example above for more help.
Here we will update the e-mail address and phone number of a client.
// setup the API call with the URL and the method
$request = new fsnl_api('', 'PUT');
// build the post body we are going to submit
'phone' => '010 123 4567',
'email' => ''
// execute the request
Delete a contact
DELETE /api/v1/clients/{id}
If there are documents set for this client, like invoices, the client cannot be deleted. The API will return an error with HTTP code 403.